Unlike UV lamps, UV lamps can hurt your eyes. Ultraviolet light can only effectively illuminate a small amount of contaminants that must pass through the light field for a period of time to be effective. In addition, ultraviolet light has no effect on the air in the space occupied, and has no effect on odor or volatile organic compounds. EDDA AIR Plasma Air Plasma ions provide important technical support for traditional filtration or air purification solutions, including traditional solutions such as filters, UV, activated carbon, chemical, biological, and catalytic oxidation for greater efficiency. It also reduces energy consumption and reduces installation costs. Traditional air filtration only provides a partial solution that only removes larger particles. Smaller, more dangerous particles and pathogens still exist, ignoring important aspects of indoor air pollution sources (ie, not removing odors or volatiles). Substance (TVOC). Formaldehyde, reducing particulates, bacteria, haze, mold, decomposition of odors and volatile gases. It requires only a few watts of energy and can be easily installed into existing HVAC or piping systems to avoid costly modifications.