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Where does the industrial waste come from?
Author: Li Deng environmental protection


       With the continuous improvement of industrialization, the proportion of air pollutants produced by human beings is increasing, and the harm to human health is increasing. At present, the industrial sectors that emit the most air pollutants are: petroleum and chemical industry, metallurgical industry, power industry, building materials industry, etc. The following are the main harmful gaseous pollutants emitted by industry, such as NOx, SO2, P, CO, and halogenated hydrocarbons. The prospects and feasibility of adsorption separation treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are as follows:

(1) Control of sulfur dioxide
Sulfur oxide is mainly sulfur dioxide, which is one of the largest, most widely distributed and most influential environmental pollutants in the atmosphere. The main methods of control are: high chimney dilution method, low sulfur fuel, desulfurization of exhaust gas, etc. In recent years, more research has been carried out in the field of dry process (adsorbent adsorption method) and wet desulfurization technology, and industrial application has been mature. The SO2 removal in the exhaust gas by adsorption method is divided into physical adsorption method and chemical adsorption method. SO2 which is selectively absorbed during physical adsorption can be desorbed by heating or depressurization. At the time of chemical adsorption, the adsorbent simultaneously catalyzes and is adsorbed. SO2 is oxidized by oxygen in the exhaust gas to SO3, which in turn forms sulfuric acid with water.
(2) Exhaust gas purification of halogenated hydrocarbons such as trichloroethylene and trichloroethane
The most mature technology for the purification of exhaust gas containing halogenated hydrocarbons is solvent absorption or adsorption treatment, such as: Trichloroethylene, which is widely used in industry, is a toxic pollutant that has great harm to human body and environment, including three Before the discharge of vinyl chloride industrial waste gas, TCE must be removed, and the adsorption method can effectively control the content of trichloroethylene in the exhaust gas and recover the trichloroethylene.
(3) Removal of carbon monoxide from the vent gas
CO is a flammable, explosive and toxic gas. Untreated to the atmosphere will seriously pollute the environment, so it is very meaningful to strictly control the CO content in the vent gas.
(4) PSA oxygen-enriched municipal waste gas
